Monday 20 May 2013

The Phantom Donkey

The Vicars' nemesis, the Donkey returned again this week to the service. In his fourth appearance the Donkey, with tails of Pentecostal fire zip lined into the crossing from the organ loft during the notices. The donkey also told the story of how he had met the vicar at the local cinema, watching the film because he liked the book so much.
In other weeks the donkey had appeared on Christmas day because the vicar seemed to have forgotten the most important part of the Christmas message -  the New Hope - how Mary got to Bethlehem, Paul took part in the nativity scene in the role of the Donkey.
Later he appeared at Epiphany because he had been forgotten and so came dressed in Camelflage in the Donkey Strikes Back. In his third appearance the Donkey appeared on Palm Sunday in Return of the Donkey, as a high speed Radio Controlled donkey designed to carry Christ into Jerusalem. The Donkey also explained how he had returned the Vicars' bible.
There are rumours that the Donkey will soon return in ... now I get ahead of myself. Perhaps the return will be sooner than you think.

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