Thursday 17 January 2013

Thought for the week Epiphany 3

At Cana the wine did not simply come:
the water became it. That is the divine
method. When Christ came he did not
come in a new order of being: he came in
flesh, as a man. It was this real and actual
human nature that he made divine. We are
to follow that divine method. We are to
take the water of life as we find it and
convert it into wine.
Our lives and circumstances may seem
incapable of fulfilling a divine purpose; yet
it is through these that the divine purpose is
to be fulfilled…. The artist, whatever his
dreams and ideals of beauty may be, does
not quarrel with this world and wait for
another. He sets to work with the lines and
colours that he finds and realises his ideal
through them.
The Christian is the true artist of life….It is
not too much to say that the main business
of the Christian life is to go through the
world turning its water into wine.
Cosmo Gordon Lang

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